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Florida Basics on Employing Underage Students

Tue December 1, 2020 Publications

Worldwide, the coronavirus pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in child labor. Businesses have shut down, unemployment is rampant, and hundreds of millions of children are no longer in school due to school closures, according to the United Nations. In many countries, these children are required to work to […]

Florida Votes to Raise Minimum Wage to $15

Sun November 8, 2020 Business

         Florida voters recently approved Amendment 2 which raises the state minimum wage to $15 an hour. A 60 percent supermajority was required for approval, and the amendment barely squeaked by with just 61 percent of the vote. As a result, effective September 30, 2021, Florida minimum wage will rise […]

Protect Your Business From Overtime Lawsuits Due to Remote Work

Wed November 4, 2020 News

Steps to Protect Your Business From Overtime Lawsuits Due to Remote Work Employers must track non-exempt employees’ hours worked, pay for all hours worked, and pay overtime wages for each hour worked over forty hours in a work week, under state and federal law. Especially with remote work, businesses must […]

Healthcare Practitioners Returning to Work – CDC Updates Guidance

Wed November 4, 2020 News

Healthcare Practitioners Returning to Work – CDC Updates Guidance The CDC has updated its guidance for returning health care practitioner (HCP) employees exposed to COVID-19 back to work. The updated guidance is based on differing severities of COVID-19 symptoms and recognizes limitations of test-based return to work strategies. It also […]

Legal Update: PERC Shortens Time to File ULP

Wed November 4, 2020 News

LEGAL UPDATE: PERC SHORTENS TIME TO FILE ULP Recently, the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission (“PERC”) shortened the time for filing an unfair labor practice charge (“ULP”) involving a unilateral change. Instead of filing within 6 months of when the change is implemented, unions now must file within 6 months […]